If you have a sibling, you know you share an undeniable bond. It goes beyond the DNA! There’s just something there that will never be broken.
But, if you have a twin, multiply that by 100!
In 2018 (the last year data is available), there were more than 123,000 twin births in the United States. That’s a whole lot of babies!

Twins are together from the very beginning. Whether they’re identical or not, their bond is one that isn’t shared by anyone else.
Take these adorable twin babies in this YouTube video for example.

You can see the girl baby just relaxing on the couch. Her brother is in the frame just stopping by to say hello. She’s making some cute gurgling sounds…or maybe they’re speaking their own language.
Who knows! But whatever it is, our cuteness meter is in overload.

It’s when they really begin to stare at one another that the fun starts.

They just start giggling- and it doesn’t stop! If this doesn’t warm your heart, nothing will! They aren’t playing with a toy or listening to a song or watching TV. They are their own entertainment.
Maybe there’s an inside joke that none of us know about that has them cracking up. Whatever it is, it is so fun to see them just enjoy each other.

In fact, more than one million people have watched this video, just showing the fact that we all need a good laugh in our lives, or at least a smile from cute little babies laughing together.
Even when they take a break from their laughter for a quick second, they pick up right away where they left off.
This mom doesn’t have to waste money on toys. These two little ones can entertain themselves for hours just staring at each other and laughing.
Their laughing is contagious, as you can hear their mom chuckle in the background as she’s recording this special moment.

It’s kinda hard not to laugh yourself! This video goes on for about four minutes. You just hear them laughing non-stop with each other.
So many people who have watched this video have also commented about how infectious their laughs are and how they bring a smile to your face. Here’s just a quick sample of the comments:
“So adorable and beautiful babies. This mom must have so much joy in her heart when she watches this. You can hear her laughing with her babies. This is what life is about.”
“I wasnβt feeling that good and just overall in a yucky mood. Video after video passed then this one comes up and THIS one made me chuckle, then laugh. Then I had to leave a comment to say thank you for brightening up my day.”
“When you’re having a bad day this will brighten it :) I love the laughter, giggling, and squeal of babies.”

So, the next time you’re having a bad day or just need something to lighten the mood, check out this video. It’s bound to leave a smile on your face.
See these two little jokesters get to know each other in the video below.
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