When you fly, you never know what you’re going to get. Chances are you’ve heard of, or have experienced yourself, many unpleasant experiences. Whether it’s delays, lost luggage, or a crying baby, you may not always have a fun time reaching your destination.
While we may all have an interesting story to tell about our flying experiences, Jessica Titus’ story stands out- but not why you think.

Jessica was simply in line waiting to board her flight when it all started.
We all know that boarding a flight can be annoying at times. Between people who can’t find their seats to those who are trying to jam bags into the overhead compartment, you know you need to exercise some patience.

An Army servicewoman happened to be in front of Jessica trying to find her row.
A man who was already seated in the first-class section stopped the soldier.

He had something to say, but it may not be what you think.
He told the woman he had accidentally sat in her seat.
He asked her what her ticket said.

The soldier was confused because she knew her seat was in the back of the plane and not in first class.
She told him she was in seat 31 B.
Instead of looking at his ticket to check his seat, he got up. He left the soldier with his first-class seat and went to the back of the plane to sit in her seat in the coach section.
This was obviously his way of saying thank-you for all this woman has done for our country. He could have just verbally said thanks, but instead offered this kind gesture.

But, the acts of kindness don’t stop there.
Jessica was so touched with what she just witnessed that she decided to pay it forward too. She took a piece of paper and wrote a note on it that read:
“Seat 31 B – Please accept a drink or snack on me. If everyone treated people the way you treated the servicewoman, the world would be a better place.”
And it’s true. She’s totally right. If everyone would just set their inner-monologue aside for a minute to really see the world around them and care about the others who are in it, beautiful stories like these wouldn’t be such a rarity anymore.
Chivalry is not dead, it’s just overshadowed by self-concerns.

She put some money in the note and handed it to the man.
He didn’t end up taking her up on her offer, but the act of kindness didn’t go unnoticed. Jessica’s story went viral when the group Love What Matters shared it on their Facebook page.
Many people who read were also touched by the story. One person said,
“This was the most beautiful heartfelt story I’ve heard in a long time. Thank you so much for the happy tears of how we should treat each other…”
Another wrote:
“This warms my heart, my son just returned from deployment in Afghanistan. On one of his flights he too was given a first-class seat. This was a God Sent action because he was able to relax for the first time in over a year…”
In a world where we hear so many unkind stories, it’s heartwarming when something like this happens and restores our faith in humanity.
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