Dancing is a great art form that’s not only fun to perform, but also enjoyable to watch. The energy and vibe is one that’s unmatched. Once you start watching, it’s hard not to start moving and clapping to the beat yourself.
That’s why a video from the Invitational Strictly Lindy Hop Championships in Washington, D.C. from 2013 has gained more than 5 million views.

While there are many forms of dance out there, this competition is all Lindy Hop, all the time.
For this competition, 13 couples from around the world showed off their best moves to win the top spot in the Lindy Hop.
The first couple entered the stage for their 40-second performance. High-energy, one-legged hops had the crowd cheering for more.
And more is just what they got. As soon as they left the stage, another couple came on to compete and show why they should be the Lindy Hop champs- and they give the first couple a run for their money.
Flips, backbends, twists, spins, and all- a third couple enters to the cheers from the crowd.
One after another, each couple has their chance to hop, pop, and kick their way through the competition. There were even some high flips and leg splits.
In case you’re not familiar, the Lindy Hop is a partnered dance that became very popular in the 1930s.
It’s an American blended dance style that brings together different types of dance, like swing and jazz. The art form of Lindy Hop is derived from several African-American dances styles.
Decades later, the Lindy Hop is still alive and well.
We really can’t say enough about the high energy this style of dance commands- and we don’t think we’ve ever seen a group of people as happy as this. Watching all the couples swing onto the scene as the other goes out is about as thrilling as it gets- you’re always excited for the next round.
As you can tell by the more than five million views of this video, people love seeing this dance style in action, especially at the competition level. Here’s a sample of what just some of the viewers had to say:
“The best thing about Lindy Hop is how genuinely happy everyone looks dancing.”
“Anyone who can dance like this has my respect.”
“It’s the roaring 2020’s stuff like this needs to be brought back on the double!”
“Everything about this video is great. The music, the dancing, the clothing, and the crowd cheering. There’s so much energy in that room!”
After all the couples had one turn and hop around the dance floor, the competition went another round. Each couple got one last chance to show why they should be crowned the champs.
When the competition rounds were over, all couples were invited to the floor for a free-for-all-dance. That’s a lot of talent on the dance floor!
When all of the dancing was over, it was time to crown a champion.
Honestly, after watching them all dance we don’t know how the judges ever came to a decision- but they did.
All of the competitors had an energy and skill level that many people wish they had. Competitions like these show that the art of dance is alive and well and doesn’t look to be going anywhere anytime soon!
Can you guess which couple got crowned the Lindy Hop Strictly Champions?
Find out who took the gold in the video below.
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