We bet you have seen a flash mob before, maybe live, or maybe on the internet. So you probably know by now that it is all about surprises. It can come from any form of performing arts, but most commonly through song and dance performances.
Most flash mobs take place in the open where it can be seen by a huge crowd. From one person up to a big group of performers, catching the unsuspecting crowd with a grand performance that they never expect to happen.

And believe it or not, these flash mobs, once they get recorded, will definitely make a stir on the internet- and that is apart from their already amazed live viewers. And that’s exactly what this group of flash mob dancers did back in 2007.
The flash mob’s video has over 59 million views, and that figure alone explains everything!

The video features a wave of men in orange suits wandering in a courtyard.

Just seconds after, they begin to march forward, but in a zombie-like motion.

By the looks of it, you’d already know that they are going to bust it out to Michael Jackson’s iconic “Thriller.”

The flash mob, however, is not set on the streets.
It’s inside a maximum-security prison in the Philippines.

Meet CPDRC’s Dancing Inmates!
The Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center has made a huge difference to these inmates’ lives. They made a program that promotes morale within the dreary confines of the prison walls. The inmates are given a chance to have something to be proud of themselves for, just like dancing.

They gained lots of attention and made it to local and international headlines.
Dancing to a classic hit of none other than the”King of Pop” is something that most people would never dare to do, but these inmates are just fearless. Maybe because they know that they can meet the song’s expectations.
It’s all thanks to former security advisor Byron F. Garcia. He’s the one responsible for all these engaging activities inside the CPDRC, and that includes the birth of the Dancing Inmates.

Garcia started the Dancing Inmates program after he saw The Shawshank Redemption.
Inspired by playing music for inmates, he tried an experiment of his own. One day, he decided to play Queen over the loudspeakers, and surprisingly, the inmates danced to it and that was the start of the program’s success.
Turns out that they’ve also danced to Bruno Mars, Soulja Boy, Flo Rida, and also to some K-pop groups like Super Junior and even Wonder Girls!

These guys are something! They really have turned themselves into dancers and amazingly, they are getting incredible results.
It’s a good way to rehabilitate themselves.
To keep them healthy and busy is what they want to happen because it’s taking the inmates away from stress and anxiety.

One inmate revealed to NPR in an interview:
“Before the dancing, our problems were really heavy to bear. Dancing takes our minds away from our problems. Our bodies became more healthy. As for the judges, they may be impressed with us, seeing that we are being rehabilitated and this could help our case. We are being rehabilitated in a good way.”
Dancing eventually became something that they are proud of, despite being in such a predicament.
“Before … we just get our food and go back to our cell, and if we don’t have anything to do we just talk. But it is different now. Every day we are very busy preparing to dance for our upcoming shows. We are very proud of what we have done.”

To know the inmates more, you may watch the multi-episode documentary about the CPDRC which they soon called a “Happy Jail.”
Watch the Dancing Inmates’ epic “Thriller” dance in the video below.
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