Perhaps the happiest moment any man will ever experience is finding out that he is going to be a father. For some men, however, the situation can be somewhat overwhelming. Finding out you are about to be a parent is a nerve-racking experience and it is not uncommon for some men to be flooded with emotions ranging from scared to overjoyed.
Any parent remembers the exact moment they found out they were going to have a baby. It is a life-defining moment that stays with a person forever.
When the man in this story found out that not only was his wife pregnant but that they were having triplets, he was overcome with emotion.

A person finding out they are going to have a baby is flooded with questions. What will we name them? What sex will the baby be? Perhaps the most important and prevalent question soon-to-be new parents ask themselves is “Will my baby be healthy?”
This question is most frequently thought of when new parents look at an ultrasound of their child for the first time.
Sometimes when parents first look at an ultrasound of their child they discover that nature has played a bit of a trick on them. They might find out they are actually having twins. About every one in 8,000 natural pregnancies gets an even bigger surprise, however.
These parents find out they are actually having triplets!

Dad was not able to accompany Mom in for the ultrasound.
He couldn’t have fathomed what a giant surprise he was in store for.
The expecting father and big brother had to wait in the car while Mom went for her ultrasound. After she got the results, Mom decided she wanted to be the one to surprise them.
Dad was already very excited but he had no idea what was going to come out of her mouth next.
“Baby A… are you f**ing kidding me?” was his initial reaction after he saw the results. “Are you kidding me?”
This was just the beginning. “Just wait,” Mom happily teased Dad. There was more to come.

Dad was so shocked by the results of the ultrasound he was unable to stop himself from using colorful language. Not that anyone could blame him!
It took a while for everything to sink in, as it would for anyone.
Dad was still having trouble believing the news and his tongue was a little tied as a result. Mom showed Dad three ultrasound images of the babies, as Dad could only repeat the word “No!” in disbelief.

The disbelief faded and Dad began to become overjoyed with the prospect of his happy family gaining 3 new members.
“No, no, no! Oh my God,” Dad said before giving way to a happy laugh.
He turned to the little one already sitting on his lap and informed his son that he would soon be the oldest of four children. It was a big moment for the whole family!

Despite how happy he was, Dad still expressed some nerves about being the father of so many kids.
“Oh my God are you serious right now? Holy s**t? What are we gonna do? Our house isn’t big enough for us! Triplets! Fu**g triplets!?”
A large family comes with its fair share of obstacles but nothing can top the joy of 3 new babies!
One can hardly blame Dad for being a little nervous at the prospect of having triplets. The sleepless nights, the financial hurdles, and everyday struggles experienced by all parents would be coming at him 3 times as hard. These are all just the costs associated with being the father of a big and loving family, however.
“There’s three babies inside of mommy’s tummy!” Dad said to big brother.
This family’s big journey is only just beginning.

Watch the video below and experience the joy this family felt in the ultrasound parking lot that day.
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